Please Support Us!

For 20 years the Scottish Slate Islands Heritage Trust has worked to inform and educate the public about the former slate industry together with the life and times of the people living on the Slate Islands. Please help us to continue our important work.


Foremost among our projects is the renovation and repair of the steel crane which dominates the village square. For many years the crane stood on the wooden pier between the islands of Seil and Ellenabeich loading slate onto ships for export around the world but as the pier decayed the crane was removed. S. Walker & Sons in Glasgow generously renovated the piece and it was mounted in the square in 2002. Eighteen years facing the salt and wind from the Atlantic has started to take its toll and the Trust wants to raise £2000 to bring the crane back to pristine condition.

All funds donated via this page will be gratefully accepted by the trust and used to maintain this iconic artefact. Thank you.